NurtureMom Mothers Health and Family Support Resource Center - Low Stress Parenting with Teamwork
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Mother Nurture

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Mothers today juggle more tasks, work longer hours, and sleep less than their own mothers did. Yet the self-healing revolution has overlooked the most significant issue in the lives of some twenty million women: how to cope with the relentless, sometimes overwhelming, stresses of raising young children in the twenty-first century.

Rick Hanson, Ph.D and Jan Hanson, L.Ac. , have written many colums to help a mom take care of herself while she takes care of her family. Be sure to visit often as this area will be expanding to offer more than 100 colums that will be searchable by keyword for easy navigation.

Coping with Postpartum Depression PPD:

  • More Than the Blues
    Today is a good day. Today is my son Evan's fifth birthday. As I watch him laugh, smile and rip open his presents, tears form in my eyes and I turn toward the window so that he does not see. Just for a moment, thoughts flash through my mind; all the things that I would have missed out on if I had given up. I suppose with time it fades, but until then, every birthday my son celebrates brings on this sort of bittersweet reaction. You see, after Evan was born, I suffered from severe postpartum depression....